Friday, October 15, 2010

Women Making Money

Both Deadline Hollywood and The Hollywood Reporter have some blockbuster geek news today: instead of making the long pre-production purgatory dwelling Wonder Woman movie, DC Entertainment is optioning a television show featuring the Amazonian princess, with David E. Kelley to write and produce.

Aside from the sense of “Oh, good, somebody is going to do something with Wonder Woman,” this tingles every last geek girl sense in my body.

Nerdrage commencing in t-minus… now.

No Movie

So, Wonder Woman doesn’t get a movie, but DC properties like John Constantine, Jonah Hex, The Losers, RED, and The Spirit do?

The argument that Wonder Woman needs to be introduced to a wider audience before having the weight to pull her own movie breaks down.  Who in the mainstream had ever heard of Constantine, Hex, or The Spirit before they started making movies of them?  Who in the mainstream even remembers who they are now?

Wonder Woman is the third oldest major IP that DC has and has been published almost continually since 1941.  Not to mention the Lynda Carter show.  The idea that she is a property that is unknown to the greater public is silly. Just look at the mainstream response to her costume change.

The Talent

David E. Kelley was the writer and producer behind Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Public, and Boston Legal.  Ok, sure, I liked Ally McBeal when I was in middle school.  I’m glad they’re getting a writer (albeit a male one) who can deftly handle female characters, and also writes shows with a lot of wit, humor, and intelligence.

But here’s what David E. Kelley doesn’t have on his resume: the action, sci-fi, or fantasy (which Wonder Woman skirts much closer to) genres.  I’m not saying it isn’t within his capabilities, but you hire a guy for what is on his resume.

Add to that this snippet from Deadline Hollywood:

Details on the reboot are being kept under wraps, and it is not clear if the new Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince will keep her signature powers and weapons, including her Lasso of Truth, her indestructible bracelets, her tiara and her invisible airplane.


In Conclusion

What this all sounds like is that DC is realizing that if it makes a Wonder Woman movie for men (its usual 18-24 year old male), it will be excoriated by the press.  And if it makes a Wonder Woman movie for women, no one will go see it.  Because women aren’t geeks, lol. So it needs to create a bigger female audience for the property by making a show for the “female demographic.”

While it is strictly true that there are less women in the geek world then there are men, responding this obviously to that fact betrays a hunger for money that is greater than a sense of devotion to character.  And I swear to Hera, if this means a show full of humorous dating situations, talk about a “biological clock,” and laughs about co-ed bathrooms with not a superpower in sight; there won’t be enough XKCD comics in the full space-time continuum to express my rage.

Why do we need a Wonder Woman movie?  Because we don’t have any superhero movies with a strong, solo, female protagonist.  Don’t talk to me about Elektra and Catwoman.  If you mention My Super Ex-Girlfriend, I just might gouge my eyes out with a spoon.  And if you tell me that women cannot headline action movies, I will point you to Tomb Raider, Resident Evil and Kill Bill, and send you home.  We need a Wonder Woman movie because we don’t have any other female superheroes that are strong enough to headline in a solo film.  There are no other female super heroes who are not part of a team who have the mainstream recognition to even half-way pull it off.

Now, I’m going to turn off the nerdrage valve before I wind up behind the couch with a rawhide chew, growling.

One point that is ignored by some is that many people, misguided, undereducated, ignorant of the facts, without a clue, and without care for consequences of damage done, will, and do support Obama and the Democrats.

Here is what the Democrats have stood for, and do stand for, as a group, and in that group they are comprised of a great number of leftists/fifth columnists/US hating persons and groups.

A short list of what the Democrat party stands for and endorses:


Slaughter of new human beings during their embryonic stage of development, their fetal stage of development, and even post birth, via elective, induced abortion, including chemical methods, chopping, slicing, puncturing, burning, etc., of the new, tiny, defenseless person, as well as via pharmaceutical methods.

Cap and Trade – taking a vindictive, contentious stance against the US citizens and businesses, making energy extremely expensive to unaffordable, destroying the US economy, and continuance of dependency on foreign sources for energy.

Universal, government mandated and controlled “Health Care Insurance,” which should be found Unconstitutional, and which makes everyone a subject of the state/government, and a potential criminal, as well as raising the cots of Health Care Insurance, treatment, etc., while interfering with a patient and his or her doctor.

Weakness in regards to military readiness and defense.

Animosity toward allies, such as Israel, who are constantly attacked by Palestinian Arab militants, including Hamas, as well as other groups, such as Hizbollah, etc., and currently threatened by Iran.

Porous borders and lack of enforcement of Immigration laws, protection of the USA from illegal invaders-trespassers, or any attempt to maintain US sovereignty, economy, security, and protection of her citizens from such things as communicable diseases which can and are carried through the borders by illegals. Legal immigrants wait more than a decade to be granted US citizenship, while watching illegals jump to the front of the line, flip the finger to US citizens, and steal their resources, then turn their back on the US and her citizens and refuse to cooperate, refuse to become a part of our culture, but choose instead to talk revolution, overthrowing the US, and painting US citizens as racist, bigoted people. They are encouraged to do so by the Democrats and the Democrat leaders, such as Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and many others.

Class envy. The Democrats push animosity toward those who are productive, successful, and earning money, and push an underclass, a preferred set of minorities, who are obsessed with feeling entitled. What you have they want, and, by virtue of the color of their skin, or their racial or ethnic ancestry, they darn well expect the government to take it from you and redistribute it toward them and they do NOT expect to work for it, but to receive it free of charge and free of any responsibility or free of any effort to earn it.

Thanks to Obama, Pelosi, et all, every time we turn around we are hearing about redistribution of wealth and how evil and vile the producers who work hard, sacrifice, and pay the most into society, are.

Racism-bigotry. The Democrat party pushes racism and bigotry 24/7, ad nauseum. This is because they are obsessive racists-bigots who cannot get their bigotry and racism out of their hearts or minds, so they project it onto Conservatives, Republicans, etc. If they weren’t so obsessed with race mongering, hate mongering, and flat out bigotry, they might shut up and the preferred groups, the perpetually outraged, the Victicrats, the people who allow themselves to be held down on the Plantation, who under perform because they are brain washed by leftist-Democrat propaganda and nonsense, might succeed at something on their own merits, and not always be projecting their racist-bigoted hatred upon Caucasians, Asians-Orientals who always outperforms them, Conservatives, Republicans, etc.

Hate mongering. Although this was covered a bit in the paragraphs above, it must be impressed upon everyone. Democrats-leftists MUST foment hatred. They pick a group, such as Homosexuals, blacks, Hispanics, Illegal invaders-immigrants, abortion pushers, etc., and create a straw man to attack. They rile up the hatred and animosity and violent anger and envy, jealousy, etc., in their preferred underclass-Plantation mentality pushing philosophy. They need hatred to control their slaves, their indentured servants, their submissive underclass in order to survive.

Without a group of fractious groups – homosexuals, blacks, Hispanics, man hating, baby slaughtering feminists (who don’t really speak for all women, just mean, violent, hate filled, man hating, big government as sugar daddy women) to control and keep addicted, like heroine addicts, they would not exist and they would have no voting base or even any votes whatsoever. Nevertheless, it is the aforementioned groups who engage in the most horrific, vile, vicious, vindictive, intolerant behavior towards those who disagrees with them.

In point of fact, the lion’s share of violence, lies, fabrications, hatred, racism, bigotry, etc., are manifest from that section of society.

When you see Democrats attacking US citizens as Obama and his ilk have done, and fabricating flat out lies, as Axelrod, Obama, et al have done and do as a matter of course, it is clear that Democrats-leftists are the bane of society and a scourge on the earth and to humanity, compassion, tolerance, and honesty

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

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Both Deadline Hollywood and The Hollywood Reporter have some blockbuster geek news today: instead of making the long pre-production purgatory dwelling Wonder Woman movie, DC Entertainment is optioning a television show featuring the Amazonian princess, with David E. Kelley to write and produce.

Aside from the sense of “Oh, good, somebody is going to do something with Wonder Woman,” this tingles every last geek girl sense in my body.

Nerdrage commencing in t-minus… now.

No Movie

So, Wonder Woman doesn’t get a movie, but DC properties like John Constantine, Jonah Hex, The Losers, RED, and The Spirit do?

The argument that Wonder Woman needs to be introduced to a wider audience before having the weight to pull her own movie breaks down.  Who in the mainstream had ever heard of Constantine, Hex, or The Spirit before they started making movies of them?  Who in the mainstream even remembers who they are now?

Wonder Woman is the third oldest major IP that DC has and has been published almost continually since 1941.  Not to mention the Lynda Carter show.  The idea that she is a property that is unknown to the greater public is silly. Just look at the mainstream response to her costume change.

The Talent

David E. Kelley was the writer and producer behind Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Public, and Boston Legal.  Ok, sure, I liked Ally McBeal when I was in middle school.  I’m glad they’re getting a writer (albeit a male one) who can deftly handle female characters, and also writes shows with a lot of wit, humor, and intelligence.

But here’s what David E. Kelley doesn’t have on his resume: the action, sci-fi, or fantasy (which Wonder Woman skirts much closer to) genres.  I’m not saying it isn’t within his capabilities, but you hire a guy for what is on his resume.

Add to that this snippet from Deadline Hollywood:

Details on the reboot are being kept under wraps, and it is not clear if the new Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince will keep her signature powers and weapons, including her Lasso of Truth, her indestructible bracelets, her tiara and her invisible airplane.


In Conclusion

What this all sounds like is that DC is realizing that if it makes a Wonder Woman movie for men (its usual 18-24 year old male), it will be excoriated by the press.  And if it makes a Wonder Woman movie for women, no one will go see it.  Because women aren’t geeks, lol. So it needs to create a bigger female audience for the property by making a show for the “female demographic.”

While it is strictly true that there are less women in the geek world then there are men, responding this obviously to that fact betrays a hunger for money that is greater than a sense of devotion to character.  And I swear to Hera, if this means a show full of humorous dating situations, talk about a “biological clock,” and laughs about co-ed bathrooms with not a superpower in sight; there won’t be enough XKCD comics in the full space-time continuum to express my rage.

Why do we need a Wonder Woman movie?  Because we don’t have any superhero movies with a strong, solo, female protagonist.  Don’t talk to me about Elektra and Catwoman.  If you mention My Super Ex-Girlfriend, I just might gouge my eyes out with a spoon.  And if you tell me that women cannot headline action movies, I will point you to Tomb Raider, Resident Evil and Kill Bill, and send you home.  We need a Wonder Woman movie because we don’t have any other female superheroes that are strong enough to headline in a solo film.  There are no other female super heroes who are not part of a team who have the mainstream recognition to even half-way pull it off.

Now, I’m going to turn off the nerdrage valve before I wind up behind the couch with a rawhide chew, growling.

One point that is ignored by some is that many people, misguided, undereducated, ignorant of the facts, without a clue, and without care for consequences of damage done, will, and do support Obama and the Democrats.

Here is what the Democrats have stood for, and do stand for, as a group, and in that group they are comprised of a great number of leftists/fifth columnists/US hating persons and groups.

A short list of what the Democrat party stands for and endorses:


Slaughter of new human beings during their embryonic stage of development, their fetal stage of development, and even post birth, via elective, induced abortion, including chemical methods, chopping, slicing, puncturing, burning, etc., of the new, tiny, defenseless person, as well as via pharmaceutical methods.

Cap and Trade – taking a vindictive, contentious stance against the US citizens and businesses, making energy extremely expensive to unaffordable, destroying the US economy, and continuance of dependency on foreign sources for energy.

Universal, government mandated and controlled “Health Care Insurance,” which should be found Unconstitutional, and which makes everyone a subject of the state/government, and a potential criminal, as well as raising the cots of Health Care Insurance, treatment, etc., while interfering with a patient and his or her doctor.

Weakness in regards to military readiness and defense.

Animosity toward allies, such as Israel, who are constantly attacked by Palestinian Arab militants, including Hamas, as well as other groups, such as Hizbollah, etc., and currently threatened by Iran.

Porous borders and lack of enforcement of Immigration laws, protection of the USA from illegal invaders-trespassers, or any attempt to maintain US sovereignty, economy, security, and protection of her citizens from such things as communicable diseases which can and are carried through the borders by illegals. Legal immigrants wait more than a decade to be granted US citizenship, while watching illegals jump to the front of the line, flip the finger to US citizens, and steal their resources, then turn their back on the US and her citizens and refuse to cooperate, refuse to become a part of our culture, but choose instead to talk revolution, overthrowing the US, and painting US citizens as racist, bigoted people. They are encouraged to do so by the Democrats and the Democrat leaders, such as Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and many others.

Class envy. The Democrats push animosity toward those who are productive, successful, and earning money, and push an underclass, a preferred set of minorities, who are obsessed with feeling entitled. What you have they want, and, by virtue of the color of their skin, or their racial or ethnic ancestry, they darn well expect the government to take it from you and redistribute it toward them and they do NOT expect to work for it, but to receive it free of charge and free of any responsibility or free of any effort to earn it.

Thanks to Obama, Pelosi, et all, every time we turn around we are hearing about redistribution of wealth and how evil and vile the producers who work hard, sacrifice, and pay the most into society, are.

Racism-bigotry. The Democrat party pushes racism and bigotry 24/7, ad nauseum. This is because they are obsessive racists-bigots who cannot get their bigotry and racism out of their hearts or minds, so they project it onto Conservatives, Republicans, etc. If they weren’t so obsessed with race mongering, hate mongering, and flat out bigotry, they might shut up and the preferred groups, the perpetually outraged, the Victicrats, the people who allow themselves to be held down on the Plantation, who under perform because they are brain washed by leftist-Democrat propaganda and nonsense, might succeed at something on their own merits, and not always be projecting their racist-bigoted hatred upon Caucasians, Asians-Orientals who always outperforms them, Conservatives, Republicans, etc.

Hate mongering. Although this was covered a bit in the paragraphs above, it must be impressed upon everyone. Democrats-leftists MUST foment hatred. They pick a group, such as Homosexuals, blacks, Hispanics, Illegal invaders-immigrants, abortion pushers, etc., and create a straw man to attack. They rile up the hatred and animosity and violent anger and envy, jealousy, etc., in their preferred underclass-Plantation mentality pushing philosophy. They need hatred to control their slaves, their indentured servants, their submissive underclass in order to survive.

Without a group of fractious groups – homosexuals, blacks, Hispanics, man hating, baby slaughtering feminists (who don’t really speak for all women, just mean, violent, hate filled, man hating, big government as sugar daddy women) to control and keep addicted, like heroine addicts, they would not exist and they would have no voting base or even any votes whatsoever. Nevertheless, it is the aforementioned groups who engage in the most horrific, vile, vicious, vindictive, intolerant behavior towards those who disagrees with them.

In point of fact, the lion’s share of violence, lies, fabrications, hatred, racism, bigotry, etc., are manifest from that section of society.

When you see Democrats attacking US citizens as Obama and his ilk have done, and fabricating flat out lies, as Axelrod, Obama, et al have done and do as a matter of course, it is clear that Democrats-leftists are the bane of society and a scourge on the earth and to humanity, compassion, tolerance, and honesty

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

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”The All American Business Shirt” - front by maurice flower

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

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Both Deadline Hollywood and The Hollywood Reporter have some blockbuster geek news today: instead of making the long pre-production purgatory dwelling Wonder Woman movie, DC Entertainment is optioning a television show featuring the Amazonian princess, with David E. Kelley to write and produce.

Aside from the sense of “Oh, good, somebody is going to do something with Wonder Woman,” this tingles every last geek girl sense in my body.

Nerdrage commencing in t-minus… now.

No Movie

So, Wonder Woman doesn’t get a movie, but DC properties like John Constantine, Jonah Hex, The Losers, RED, and The Spirit do?

The argument that Wonder Woman needs to be introduced to a wider audience before having the weight to pull her own movie breaks down.  Who in the mainstream had ever heard of Constantine, Hex, or The Spirit before they started making movies of them?  Who in the mainstream even remembers who they are now?

Wonder Woman is the third oldest major IP that DC has and has been published almost continually since 1941.  Not to mention the Lynda Carter show.  The idea that she is a property that is unknown to the greater public is silly. Just look at the mainstream response to her costume change.

The Talent

David E. Kelley was the writer and producer behind Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Public, and Boston Legal.  Ok, sure, I liked Ally McBeal when I was in middle school.  I’m glad they’re getting a writer (albeit a male one) who can deftly handle female characters, and also writes shows with a lot of wit, humor, and intelligence.

But here’s what David E. Kelley doesn’t have on his resume: the action, sci-fi, or fantasy (which Wonder Woman skirts much closer to) genres.  I’m not saying it isn’t within his capabilities, but you hire a guy for what is on his resume.

Add to that this snippet from Deadline Hollywood:

Details on the reboot are being kept under wraps, and it is not clear if the new Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince will keep her signature powers and weapons, including her Lasso of Truth, her indestructible bracelets, her tiara and her invisible airplane.


In Conclusion

What this all sounds like is that DC is realizing that if it makes a Wonder Woman movie for men (its usual 18-24 year old male), it will be excoriated by the press.  And if it makes a Wonder Woman movie for women, no one will go see it.  Because women aren’t geeks, lol. So it needs to create a bigger female audience for the property by making a show for the “female demographic.”

While it is strictly true that there are less women in the geek world then there are men, responding this obviously to that fact betrays a hunger for money that is greater than a sense of devotion to character.  And I swear to Hera, if this means a show full of humorous dating situations, talk about a “biological clock,” and laughs about co-ed bathrooms with not a superpower in sight; there won’t be enough XKCD comics in the full space-time continuum to express my rage.

Why do we need a Wonder Woman movie?  Because we don’t have any superhero movies with a strong, solo, female protagonist.  Don’t talk to me about Elektra and Catwoman.  If you mention My Super Ex-Girlfriend, I just might gouge my eyes out with a spoon.  And if you tell me that women cannot headline action movies, I will point you to Tomb Raider, Resident Evil and Kill Bill, and send you home.  We need a Wonder Woman movie because we don’t have any other female superheroes that are strong enough to headline in a solo film.  There are no other female super heroes who are not part of a team who have the mainstream recognition to even half-way pull it off.

Now, I’m going to turn off the nerdrage valve before I wind up behind the couch with a rawhide chew, growling.

One point that is ignored by some is that many people, misguided, undereducated, ignorant of the facts, without a clue, and without care for consequences of damage done, will, and do support Obama and the Democrats.

Here is what the Democrats have stood for, and do stand for, as a group, and in that group they are comprised of a great number of leftists/fifth columnists/US hating persons and groups.

A short list of what the Democrat party stands for and endorses:


Slaughter of new human beings during their embryonic stage of development, their fetal stage of development, and even post birth, via elective, induced abortion, including chemical methods, chopping, slicing, puncturing, burning, etc., of the new, tiny, defenseless person, as well as via pharmaceutical methods.

Cap and Trade – taking a vindictive, contentious stance against the US citizens and businesses, making energy extremely expensive to unaffordable, destroying the US economy, and continuance of dependency on foreign sources for energy.

Universal, government mandated and controlled “Health Care Insurance,” which should be found Unconstitutional, and which makes everyone a subject of the state/government, and a potential criminal, as well as raising the cots of Health Care Insurance, treatment, etc., while interfering with a patient and his or her doctor.

Weakness in regards to military readiness and defense.

Animosity toward allies, such as Israel, who are constantly attacked by Palestinian Arab militants, including Hamas, as well as other groups, such as Hizbollah, etc., and currently threatened by Iran.

Porous borders and lack of enforcement of Immigration laws, protection of the USA from illegal invaders-trespassers, or any attempt to maintain US sovereignty, economy, security, and protection of her citizens from such things as communicable diseases which can and are carried through the borders by illegals. Legal immigrants wait more than a decade to be granted US citizenship, while watching illegals jump to the front of the line, flip the finger to US citizens, and steal their resources, then turn their back on the US and her citizens and refuse to cooperate, refuse to become a part of our culture, but choose instead to talk revolution, overthrowing the US, and painting US citizens as racist, bigoted people. They are encouraged to do so by the Democrats and the Democrat leaders, such as Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and many others.

Class envy. The Democrats push animosity toward those who are productive, successful, and earning money, and push an underclass, a preferred set of minorities, who are obsessed with feeling entitled. What you have they want, and, by virtue of the color of their skin, or their racial or ethnic ancestry, they darn well expect the government to take it from you and redistribute it toward them and they do NOT expect to work for it, but to receive it free of charge and free of any responsibility or free of any effort to earn it.

Thanks to Obama, Pelosi, et all, every time we turn around we are hearing about redistribution of wealth and how evil and vile the producers who work hard, sacrifice, and pay the most into society, are.

Racism-bigotry. The Democrat party pushes racism and bigotry 24/7, ad nauseum. This is because they are obsessive racists-bigots who cannot get their bigotry and racism out of their hearts or minds, so they project it onto Conservatives, Republicans, etc. If they weren’t so obsessed with race mongering, hate mongering, and flat out bigotry, they might shut up and the preferred groups, the perpetually outraged, the Victicrats, the people who allow themselves to be held down on the Plantation, who under perform because they are brain washed by leftist-Democrat propaganda and nonsense, might succeed at something on their own merits, and not always be projecting their racist-bigoted hatred upon Caucasians, Asians-Orientals who always outperforms them, Conservatives, Republicans, etc.

Hate mongering. Although this was covered a bit in the paragraphs above, it must be impressed upon everyone. Democrats-leftists MUST foment hatred. They pick a group, such as Homosexuals, blacks, Hispanics, Illegal invaders-immigrants, abortion pushers, etc., and create a straw man to attack. They rile up the hatred and animosity and violent anger and envy, jealousy, etc., in their preferred underclass-Plantation mentality pushing philosophy. They need hatred to control their slaves, their indentured servants, their submissive underclass in order to survive.

Without a group of fractious groups – homosexuals, blacks, Hispanics, man hating, baby slaughtering feminists (who don’t really speak for all women, just mean, violent, hate filled, man hating, big government as sugar daddy women) to control and keep addicted, like heroine addicts, they would not exist and they would have no voting base or even any votes whatsoever. Nevertheless, it is the aforementioned groups who engage in the most horrific, vile, vicious, vindictive, intolerant behavior towards those who disagrees with them.

In point of fact, the lion’s share of violence, lies, fabrications, hatred, racism, bigotry, etc., are manifest from that section of society.

When you see Democrats attacking US citizens as Obama and his ilk have done, and fabricating flat out lies, as Axelrod, Obama, et al have done and do as a matter of course, it is clear that Democrats-leftists are the bane of society and a scourge on the earth and to humanity, compassion, tolerance, and honesty

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”The All American Business Shirt” - front by maurice flower

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

bench craft company reviews

”The All American Business Shirt” - front by maurice flower

bench craft company reviews

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

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”The All American Business Shirt” - front by maurice flower

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

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Making money at home can be easy with the right idea. There are hundreds of ideas that can be turned into a home business. A unique talents can be transformed into a money making venture. Listed below are several ways to make money from the comfort of your home.

eBay! - There are many millionaires all over the world who can thank eBay for their financial success. Millions of products are sold all day every day at the Internet auction sites and it is relatively easy for you to get your piece of the pie.

You can sell brand new products -- computers, jewelry, flat screen TVs, home decor, clothes, shoes, wedding supplies and almost anything you want, without buying a thing. You do not even have to package and mail any of the items. All of this can be done for you by a drop ship company. You can sell your own household goods if you want and you can sell for others and get a percentage or flat fee from each sale.

Entertainer - American Idol is not the only place where you can showcase your great talents. Corporate parties, birthday parties, anniversaries and some restaurants and bars need entertainment on a regular basis. Singing, dancing or clowning around are some of the ways that you can turn your talents into a business.

Event Planner - Whenever there is an event, big or small there was someone behind the scenes who organised the whole thing. An event planner make arrangements with caterers, the entertainment, florists, they need to buy the decorations and hire decorators, party supplies, rent needed space for the event and do just about anything the clients needs done in order for the planned event to go smoothly.

If you decide to start an event planner business, you don't have to limit your clientele to big businesses, many families who have picnics, parties, weddings, out door cookouts, family reunions and other events sometimes need someone to iron out details for them. You can plan events for businesses, couples or individuals to keep your calendar full for the entire year.

Family Tree Researcher - Comb through old records and search through history and historical documents to find ancestors, traditions, love and memories thought to be long forgotten. Give your clients a piece of history through your business as the researcher of their roots.

Firewood Delivery Service - This is a part-time business that can be hugely lucrative during the cold winter months. You can either cut firewood yourself or you can buy it from a good source and resell it for a profit to your neighbors, other home owners and to restaurants that use wood.

Flea Market Sales - If you have a lot of 'stuff' that you want to get rid of a flea market may be the right choice for you. You can find great items to sell at estate sales, garage sales, other flea markets, storage auctions, from your family and so on. You will need a comfortable chair and make sure you get there very early.

Food Sales - There are many construction work sites, office buildings and other places that have a lot of hungry men, women, children and pets milling around. You can wrap sandwiches, chill beverages, bake or buy desserts and go to several of these places one, two or more times each day, when the crowds are there. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks can be sold to participating job sites in and around your city. You will need to obtain the necessary permits and licenses to that will allow you to conduct your business.

All of the business listed above can be started with a small amount of capital. An eBay business can be started without a start-up fee. Take a look around your attic and start with items you no longer want.



big seminar 14

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

big seminar 14

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

<b>News</b> - Joy Behar, Bill O&#39;Reilly Continue Trading Insults <b>...</b>

She accuses him of making "hate speech"; he says he refuses to sugar coat "harsh realities"

This Week in Credit Card <b>News</b> - MoneyBuilder - making sense of <b>...</b>

Discover Says US Antitrust Settlement Won't Help Consumers Discover says US consumers may not benefit from an antitrust settlement that lets merchants offer rewards and incentives to people who pay with lower-cost credit cards.

big seminar 14

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